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Adding permissions to GroupManager

The majority of plugins use permission Ids to control which groups/users have control over what commands/features.
The permission for /home is essentials.home, the permission for /sethome is essentials.sethome. Lets say we want to give everyone the /home and /sethome commands.
For McMyAdmin users (with exporting to GroupManager enabled), you would go to the Users and Groups tab, select the Everyone group and on the right side Permitted Commands list, add the permission Ids essentials.home and essentials.sethome.
For non-McMA users, you go in game and type the command /manselect world (once every server restart) then type
/mangaddp Default essentials.home and /mangaddp Default essentials.sethome
That command stands for Manage Group Add Permission. Default is usually the default group in Group Manager, you can type /listgroups to get a list of your groups.
Now all your users should have /home and /sethome available to them. To remove a permission, remove it from the McMyAdminpanel or (non McMA users) type /mangdelp groupName permissionID.

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